I am fortunate that one of my primary activities as a musician is being a part of the Los Angeles recording industry. I have recorded motion picture and television soundtracks, jazz projects, classical recordings, pop albums and contemporary music, as well as numerous recordings with colleagues in the Los Angeles area. Below is a varied sample of recordings I have been involved with. Many of them are available for purchase.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (soundtrack)
John Williams
Track: Scherzo for X-Wings
UP (soundtrack)
Michael Giacchino
Track: Married Life
More Carols From the Bells [vol. 1 and 2] Bill Reichenbach and Trombones-L.A.
Hollywood Epic Brass, “The Vince DeRosa Tribute Album”
A musical tribute to the legendary horn virtuoso and recording artist, composed and arranged by Kevin Kaska bringing together an ensemble consisting of a collection of some of the finest brass players in Los Angeles.
The Modern Brass of Los Angeles, “Fiat Lux”
A collection of familiar and new Christmas music for brass.
Kevin Kaska Jazz Orchestra, “Artistry”
12 original compositions with big band featuring an all star group of musicians including Arturo Sandoval, Chuck Findley, Wayne Bergeron, Dany Higgins and Harvey Mason as well as trombonists Alex Iles, Scott Whitfield and Bob McChesney.
Bill Reichenbach and Trombones-L.A.
“More Carols From the Bells [vol. 1 and 2]”
A collection of 4 to 16 of L.A.’s finest trombonists playing Holiday and Christmas carols, hymns and songs. Proceeds of this recording go to Hearts of Music http://www.heartsofmusicfund.com/